Compost provides a number of physical, chemical, and biological advantages when used as a soil amendment. The Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO), has outlined several of these verified benefits.

Physical Benefits of Compost Amendment

  • Improves soil structure and porosity, creating a better plant root environment
  • Increases moisture infiltration and permeability, reducing soil density, erosion, and runoff
  • Increases water holding capacity, which reduces nutrient leaching and improves moisture retention

Chemical Benefits of Compost Amendment

  • Improves the cation exchange capacity of soils
  • Supplies critical organic matter content to soil
  • Buffers and stabilizes soil pH

Biological Benefits of Compost Amendment

  • Supplies beneficial microorganisms to soil
  • Enables plants to more effectively utilize nutrients
  • Reduces soil-borne pathogens, suppressing plant diseases

Naturcycle has a number of different compost products depending on your soil type, geography, and application requirements. Our compost product specifications can be found on our website or on CAD Details. All of our compost products are enrolled in the US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) program. We are happy to provide samples of Naturcycle® Compost, visit your facility to offer consulting services, or advise on the best way to apply compost to meet your needs.

Contact us today!