Soluble Salts in Compost – CCREF Important Report
The Composting Council Research & Education Foundation invested in an important report that continues its commitment to research and education of compost users and producers. A detailed research paper was produced featuring the current [...]
The US Composting Council Revamps its YouTube Channel
The US Composting Council and its STA Director Hillary Nichols have done a great job revamping their YouTube Channel. The Market Development Committee is working to add new content and expand our reach promoting [...]
The Soil Health Institute Releases “Living Soil,” a Powerful Documentary
Consistent Quality is a Key to Success for the Statue of Liberty Museum
A quick update on the Statue of Liberty Museum: After hundreds of yards of Naturcycle green roof media were delivered (mostly via super sacks), the job is complete. This stunning new addition to the [...]
Naturcycle Attends Cities Alive Annual Green Roof Conference in Brooklyn, NY is an important publication for the green roof industry. Its founders have focused on spreading news, commercial successes, and documenting the projects that have changed green roofing. This year they have taken the [...]
Research on Topdressing with Compost
from Sports Turf Magazine, a trade industry journal... "Traffic is one of the dominant stresses that all actively used sports fields face. Traffic leads to soil compaction that eventually results in a loss of [...]