The Naturcycle team had a great experience in Phoenix this week at COMPOST2025, the annual conference held by the US Composting Council. Along with equipment demonstrations and networking opportunities, there were presentations on a variety of important topics, including community composting, potting mix research, plant response to compost, artificial intelligence applications, the Seal of Testing Assurance program, and so much more.

This year marked the last conference under the leadership of longtime Executive Director Frank Franciosi. His steadfast management, welcoming demeanor, love for compost, work ethic, and character, have grown our organization exponentially over the last eight years. He steered the organization through the coronavirus pandemic, expanded our staff, built new programs, and advanced our annual conference to the next level. He will be sorely missed as both a leader and friend. As Linda Norris-Waldt, CAE, takes over the organization as Executive Director to lead the council into its next great chapter, we are all enthusiastic and excited about the amazing things to come for compost and organics nationwide.

Naturcycle founder and president Charles Duprey also presented in two separate sessions, as outlined below:

The Effect of Compost Inclusion on Soil pH Over Time

This presentation describes what pH is and why it is an important characteristic of compost, as well as describe a research study that Naturcycle is conducting to observe how pH changes over time when compost is blended into a natural topsoil.




Marketing STA Certified Compost: Strategies For Success

This presentation provided actionable strategies for effectively marketing STA-certified compost, beginning with understanding your product via testing, differentiating yourself, communicating the value of certification, and using the program’s credibility to boost sales.




We look forward to seeing everyone next year in Sacramento!