Our existing knowledge of the behavior of coronaviruses in the environment can be applied to the current outbreak.

Dr. Sally Brown

Being terrified of COVID-19 is not irrational. But being terrified does not mean that your everyday life has to turn into you and Netflix in the closet. The terror has to somehow make peace with everyday lives and routines. In order to make that peace some rationality has to figure in. How much of your life can you still have and stay safe?

There are a lot of commonsense measures that hopefully all of us have adopted. Social distancing is the new norm. You can now wash your hands to any number of classic hits including “I will Survive”. With these measures in place you can go for runs and walks and even go to the grocery store. And we can all still compost.

In urban areas across the country, food scrap diversion has really started to take hold. Fear of COVID is not a reason to give this up. A critical factor to remember is that there is a significant yuck factor in composting. Before that beautiful finished product is made, those feedstocks are often slimy, smelly and only beautiful in the eyes of a special beholder.  CONTINUED…

Read more at BioCycle

Sally Brown