When complete, the East Midtown Greenway will connect upper and lower Manhattan with bike and walking trails from the Upper East Side to Battery Park. Engineered soil manufactured by Naturcycle is placed in Silva Cells designed by DeepRoot, which collect stormwater and support the growth of newly planted trees. After planting, the soil is amended with US Composting Council Seal of Testing Assurance certified compost from one of our partner sites in New Jersey. Compost plays an important role in recycling locally sourced organic materials, enhancing the environment by reintroducing important soil nutrients, and supporting critical infrastructure projects like this one.

These important projects couldn’t be completed without an experienced team in place for each aspect of the job. Partners like MSB Trucking, Steven Dubner Landscaping, Weeks Marine, Stantec, and Skanska USA are all playing critical roles to ensure this installation is a success!